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What's New

Client build Date New features (compared with previous release)
BiSSAP Version 1.3.6 15-04-2016 The EPO is pleased to inform users of its BiSSAP software that a new version is now available for download.

Version 1.3.6 contains:

A BiSSAP installation package compatible with Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 (both 32- and 64-bit systems) and with Java 6, 7 or 8.

New features:

Technical compatibility with Java 8

BiSSAP Version 1.3  18-12-2013 The EPO is pleased to inform users of its BiSSAP software that a new version 1.3 is now available for download.

The 1.3 version contains:
  • BiSSAP installation package compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 64 bit
new features and minor functional changes:
  • projects are ordered by create time instead alphabetically
  • list of stop codons extended by missing triplets
  • "Additional Sequence Description" is available from Sequence Editor
  • "combined DNA\RNA" molecule type added
  • when generating Sequence Listing with gaps in sequences user is asked to choose one of the options: fill gaps with skip code or reorder sequences
  • current application data are moved together with general Sequence Listing data
  • current application data are mandatory either in File reference or Current Application Number
  • applicant form simplified
  • Username and Password added to proxy settings
  • Countries and Languages preferences removed
  • formatting of PRT sequence removed
  • "Order Priority Claims" option removed
  • generate sequence listing in XML removed
  • import sequences from XML removed
  • convert sequence listing between ST.25 and XML removed
  • general improvements in performance
BiSSAP Version 1.2 03-09-2012 New features/improvements:
  • "Additional settings for ST.25 format" window. The following options can be chosen:
    • use/do not use negative numbering for amino acids preceding the mature protein (feature keys: sig_peptide, mat_peptide, SIGNAL, PROPEP) (see ST.25, par. 21);
    • include/do not include the conceptual translation by means of a translation table qualifier for each CDS feature (see ST.25, Appendix II, Table 5);
    • present/do not present in mixed mode the sequences containing CDS features (see ST.25, par. 20). (Note: in case of overlapping CDSs, only the first one will be represented in mixed mode);
    • generate/do not generate amino acid sequences corresponding to the CDS features (if not previously done) (see ST.25, par. 7).
  • Support for publication data (numeric items <300> - <313>).
  • Support for all obsolete EMBL feature keys still valid under ST.25 (see ST.25, Appendix II, Tables 5 and 6).
  • Amino acid sequences corresponding to the CDS features are appended at the end of the current list of sequences.
  • Alternative translation tables can be used.
  • Maximum number of characters set to 260 for additional information (within a feature).
  • Improved error and warning messages.
  • Disclaimer added to "Loading sequence listing" window.
  • Definitions of protein feature keys added to the Help.
  • Improved reordering of the sequences.
  • Taxonomy update can be launched upon user's request.
BiSSAP Version 1.1 or earlier 25-04-2012 Important information for users of BiSSAP
BiSSAP Version 1.1 01-07-2011

Contains new features, minor technical corrections and functional changes.


Please note: during the creation of RNA sequences, "u" is not replaced by "t"

New features:
  • "Save" button in all editors
  • Double-clicking the elements opens an editor. The "details editors" have been removed
  • Copy/paste several elements of the same type (e.g. features) in a single operation
  • "Additional Sequence Description" field in the "Create Sequence Dialog". The content of this field (if not empty) is added as a "note" qualifier in the "source" feature. This field becomes mandatory if the "Organism" field is set to "Artificial/Unknown"
  • The "mol_type" qualifier values now depend on the molecule-type field in the sequence
  • "Synthetic construct" is converted to "Artificial sequence", not vice versa
  • Problems concerning insufficient privileges for users without administrative rights solved
  • Shortcut keys
The user guide has been updated accordingly.