ES - Federated Register Service
ES Patent Register
- Coverage: European patents with effect in Spain
- Updating frequency: Daily
- File inspection available: Yes
- URL to national patent register:
- Deep linking to national patent register from FRS: Yes
Contents provided via FRS
FRS data |
Data provided |
ES - Contents |
1 |
Status |
Yes |
No. Status code NO_STATUS_24 Request for EP validation pendingNO_STATUS_15 Request for EP validation received NO_STATUS_25 Patent validated NO_STATUS_26 Patent not validated NO_STATUS_19 Patent revoked NO_STATUS_21 Patent lapsed NO_STATUS_28 Patent not in force NO_STATUS_32 Unknown |
2 |
Application No. |
Yes |
National application No.: ENNNNNNNN |
3 |
Publication No. |
Yes |
National publication No.: ESNNNNNNN |
4 |
Proprietor |
Yes |
Only one proprietor name is displayed. |
5 |
Invalidation date |
Yes |
Invalidation date is provided when patent expires, lapses or is withdrawn or revoked. |
6 |
Not in force since |
Yes |
This date is however not provided for patents that are revoked or withdrawn, or have a filing date prior to 28.10.2010. |
7 |
Renewal fees last paid |
Yes |
Also gives the number of the renewal fee paid. |
8 |
Register last updated |
No |
This information is currently not provided. |
9 |
No |
Deep linking will be provided. |
Maria Rosa Carreras
Phone: +34 91 3493070