Bundled information on the Unitary Patent

Unitary Patent

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In the run-up to the entry into operation of the Unitary Patent system on 1 June 2023 the EPO has published a supplementary edition of the Official Journal, listing decisions and notices, as well as a guidance for the payment of fees, expenses and prices in relation with the Unitary Patent.  

Titled "Information on practice and procedures before the EPO relating to the European Patent with unitary effect", the bundled-up supplementary edition will enable users to find all relevant UP-related information in a single, comprehensive publication and acquaint themselves with the new provisions in a timely manner.  The supplementary publication includes details about information given in the European Patent Register, the format of oral proceedings before the Unitary Patent Protection Division, the filing of early requests for unitary effect after entry into force of the Unitary Patent system, the expansion of electronic notification via the Mailbox to documents in proceedings related to European patents with unitary effect, among other important items. The publication is available in English, French and German.

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