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Top 10 technical fields

Graphical art showing stacked blocks combining into bars that resemble statistics, tinted in colourful red, blue and purple on black ground

This page shows the number of European patent applications1 filed with the EPO for the ten technology fields2 with the largest number of applications in 2023. These top ten fields represented almost 57% of the total number of European applications filed in 2023. Each technology field has its own page providing an analysis of the geographic origin of the files. The geographic origin is based on the country of residence of the first applicant listed on the application form (first-named applicant principle3). The pages also rank the largest applicants4 in each field.

Icon showing two hands tapping on a tablet
Digital communication

17 749


Icon showing heart with heartbeat line of ecg
Medical technology

15 985


Icon showing computer chip
Computer technology

15 746


Icon showing electricity pole
Electrical machinery

15 304


Icon showing a scale looking like a thermometer

9 565


Icon showing an electric car with a cable reaching from it

9 445


Icon showing two types of pills

9 273


Icon showing two leaves branching out

8 367


Icon showing three gears or drive shafts connected by drive belt
Other special machines

6 538


Icon that shows a large vial or test tube
Organic fine chemistry

6 108


Source: EPO.
Status: 29.1.2024.

1 European patent applications include direct European applications and international (PCT) applications that entered the European phase during the reporting period.
The definition of the fields is based on the WIPO IPC technology concordance. The table is available at:

In cases where several applicants are mentioned on the application form, the country of residence of the first applicant listed applies.
This is the ranking in each technology field of the main consolidated applicants at the EPO in 2023 (first-named applicant principle). It is based on European patent applications filed with the EPO in each technology field. It includes direct European applications and international (PCT) applications that entered the European phase. Applications by identifiable subsidiaries, not necessarily located in the same country, are allocated to the consolidated applicants.
5 EPO states: the 39 member states of the European Patent Organisation, which includes the 27 states of the EU.