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Recently published decisions 2024
All board of appeal decisions released for publication in the last three months are shown in the list below (newest first). The website checks for new decisions daily and updates the list accordingly. For full lists per year, please access the subpages.
December 2024
November 2024
Main and auxiliary request - Sufficiency of disclosure - (yes)
Main and auxiliary request - Exceptions to patentability - (no)
Main request - Novelty - (no)
Remital (no)
amendment after communication under Article 15(1) admitted (no)
objection sufficiently substantiated (no)
Recevabilité du recours - recours suffisamment motivé (oui)
Remboursement de la taxe de recours - violation du droit d'être entendu (non)
Revendications - clarté
Revendications - requête principale (non)
Revendications - clarté
Revendications - requête subsidiaire (non)
Décision sur le recours - renvoi à la l'instance du premier degré (non)
Erfinderische Tätigkeit - (nein)
Erfinderische Tätigkeit - naheliegende Verwendung bekannter Merkmale
Spät eingereichter Antrag - im erstinstanzlichen Verfahren zugelassen (nein)
Novelty - main request (yes)
Remittal - (yes)
Änderungen der Anmeldung
Änderungen - zulässig (ja)
Novelty - (yes)
Inventive step - (yes)
Neuheit - (ja)
Erfinderische Tätigkeit - (ja)