Numbering system – Russian Federation (RU)
Document types and kindcodes
Kind code A
- published application for invention
Kind code A3
- published information search report (from 2017 onwards)
Kind code C1
- published patent on invention
- issued without the preceding publication of the application (first publication)
Kind code C2
- published patent on invention
- issued after the preceding publication of the application
Kind code C3
- supplementary patent granted for patent term extension (from 2017 onwards)
- granted under new patent number different then original patent
Kind code C8
- reissue
- corrected version of first page of the patent for invention
Kind code C9
- reissue
- corrected version of description of the patent for invention
Utility models
Kind code U1
- published utility model patent
Kind code - none
Number formats
yyyynnnnnn application numbers
(from 2000 onwards)
- four digits for the year (y)
- six digits for the serial number (n)
yynnnnnn application numbers
(between 1992 and 2000)
- two digits for the year (y)
- six digits for the serial number (n)
yyyynnnnnn number of published patent application
(from 2000 onwards)
- four digits for the year (y)
- six digits for the serial number (n)
- application number = number of published patent application
yynnnnnn number of published patent application
(between 1992 and 2000)
- two digits for the year (y)
- six digits for the serial number (n)
- application number = number of published patent application
nnnnnnn number of published patent
- up tp seven digits for the serial number (n)
Utility models
yyyynnnnnn application numbers
(data in Open Registers available since 2007)
- four digits for the year (y)
- six digits for the serial number (n)
nnnnnnn published utility model patent
- up tp six digits for the serial number (n)
yyyynnnnnn application numbers
(data in Open Registers available since 2007)
- four digits for the year (y)
- six digits for the serial number (n)
nnnnnnn published design patent
- up to six digits for the serial number (n)