4.5.6 Dépôt de nouvelles requêtes – motif de circonstances exceptionnelles rejeté
- T 599/21
Using a passage of the description to interpret a term in the claims does not constitute an "exceptional circumstance" which could justify amendments to the appeal case in the present case (see reasons point 5).
- T 2599/19
Since the initial main request, filed for the first time with the statement of grounds of appeal, would not have been admitted under Article 12(4) RPBA 2007, the objections raised by the board in the communication annexed to the summons to oral proceedings against this initial main request are of a hypothetical nature and do not establish exceptional circumstances referred to in Article 13(2) RPBA 2020 which could justify amending the applicant's appeal case.
- T 2352/19
If, as in the present case, no causality exists between a newly raised aspect and the final conclusion of the Board, the newly raised aspect does not qualify as an exceptional circumstance according to Article 13(2) RPBA 2020 that could justify taking a new request into account. (Reasons 2.5.2)
- T 355/19
Modification des moyens selon l'article 13(2) RPCR ; recevabilité de requêtes dans lesquelles certaines revendications indépendantes sont supprimées ; échelonnement des requêtes subsidiaires déposées tout au long de la procédure de recours qui donne lieu à une approche "par tâtonnements" ou une tactique par élimination (tactique du "salami") (voir points 2 et 3 des motifs).
- T 1869/18
While objections raised by the Board for the first time in a communication under Article 15(1) RPBA 2020 may be considered to give rise to exceptional circumstances within the meaning of Article 13(2) RPBA 2020, and may possibly justify the filing of amendments which specifically respond to the new objections, this does not open the door to additional amendments which are unrelated to the new objections, and for which no exceptional circumstances exist (Reasons, point 3.10).
- Compilation 2023 “Abstracts of decisions”
- Rapport annuel: jurisprudence 2022
- Résumés des décisions dans la langue de procedure